Monday, May 29, 2006

Where did THAT week go?

Wow. Sometimes time freaks me out. I just don't know where the past week went. I feel like I JUST wrote the previous post... not until I read Derek's comments did I realize it's been a week. THAT IS BAD BLOG BEHAVIOUR!!!

So I am not sure what I've been doing. Basically running around trying to pick out stuff for the new house and make decisions like whether or not to have the Kokuryou lamenant or the Seaglass. All these crazy choices.

It's amazing to watch all the china men buzzing around....

They do a fantastic job - and I just love to stand in there and listen to the buzz of cantonese. Sometimes I could swear they're yelling at each other, but my designer says that some of them don't know how to control the volume level of their voices!!! Funny.

And then there is the SMELL... How could several chinese men smell so bad? And it's not the sweat...I found the source of this HORRID smell the other day...

I guess they have to wee somewhere...but this toilet isn't really hooked up. It's just sitting there....

The place is in desperate need of some incense and candles!!!!

And finally here is something terrific... check out the number of aircons here. It fills up half a room.... That is bordering on ridiculous! Aaron tried to get just one or two big units (that's what we'd do in the US) but the cost was double... interesting!

Alright. Well that's the update on the house.

Here's my Spiritual thought for the week.....

2 Kings 5:1-15
Read this amazing story of Naaman.... a guy who has terrible leporsy and is told by Elisha to "Go wash 7 times in the jordan...and your flesh will be restored"
Well, Naaman gets VERY ANGRY at the silly thought of going into the filthy jordan to wash his disease. So he ALMOST MISSES HIS MIRACLE & HEALING... Luckily, his wise servant told him he'd have done anything else had it been more "great" (vs 13) and he goes, dips 7 times and is HEALED!

SO... how many times have we missed out on our miracle because we were looking for the great answer to our prayer and not the "less obvious, more mysterious" answer. God says his "ways are far beyond anything you can imagine" (Is 55:8). So I reminded myself to NEVER doubt answers that we get from Him.

Don't miss may be that He is telling you to step out in FAITH & do something strange to reach your next miracle!


At Tue Jul 18, 04:41:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

At Thu Jul 20, 10:25:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.


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